This update summarises a more comprehensive brief that we’ll be giving about this at the National Self-Build and Renovation Centre’s show over 13-14 October. If the content below makes you want to know more, then by all means come and join us there - tickets to the show are free and available here.

Inflation has rarely left the headlines for the past 12 months. Whilst HM Treasury didn't raise interest rates on 21st September, we know that inflation is significant, even if slowing.
Thanks to the war in Ukraine, Covid related supply chain challenges, and more building materials prices currently sit at 40% more now than in 2019. In detail:
- The "All Work" building material price index decreased by 4.0% in July 2023 compared to the same month the previous year.
- Despite that 4.0% deflation in July average prices are still 40% greater than in 2019/20 pre-pandemic.
- However, there is significant variability between different product categories:

[Source – Department for Business and Trade Monthly Construction Update 13 September 2023]

The cost of building materials for your project has never been more important. We know that you'll be operating to a budget and doing your best to stick to it. So here's our top tips for keeping control of your materials costs:
1. Build a close relationship with your local merchant. We know what's going on with materials prices. We get early warning of price rises, and can hep you stay ahead of them. As a good starting point, check out our supplier price increase updates on our website.
2. Bring us your complete plans as early as possible. We can look at the materials you need and help you stay ahead of price rises and use our knowledge of latest lead times. We know that the last thing you want is to have trades on site with no products to work with, so let us help you to ensure your orders for materials will be placed to be on site by the time you need them.
3. There may be alternative solutions. Whether that’s a cheaper alternative that does the job just as well as what you’ve specified, or perhaps we can help you tweak a design to achieve the same outcome in terms of aesthetics and performance but at reduced costs, or easier or quicker install.
That's all for this time, we'll be back at the end of November, with more about our heat pump offering.