Is Your House Heat Pump Ready?
At Bradfords we understand that ‘fabric first’ is for most cases the starting point for improving the energy efficiency and comfort of a home, and we will never recommend a heating system until we understand the fabric state of a building.
Put simply, you want to make sure your home or building is in good condition, and as energy efficient as it can be before you specify your heating system. A poorly insulated, leaky house will require much more energy to heat and a correspondingly oversized heating system.
To make sure that we can offer you the best advice, we have partnered with local firm, Target CO2, domestic retrofit experts, who offer a full retrofit service, from initial assessment through to coordinating and managing installation of measures required.
Whether for your own home, or the work you’re doing on someone else’s, you putting in place the right solutions that will deliver the performance improvement you want to achieve is crucial, so let us help you to achieve that. Working with Target CO2 we are pleased to offer a home energy savings pack, designed to provide a bespoke assessment of the property and recommendations to improve its performance.
To find out more contact Giles Bradford at [email protected] or on 07779982938.