Daikin Sustainable Homes Centre in Honiton
Our Honiton Station Approach branch now hosts a Daikin Sustainable Home Centre. It now boasts a showroom and dedicated training facility.
Our Honiton Station Approach branch now hosts a Daikin Sustainable Home Centre. It now boasts a showroom and dedicated training facility.
Company Update
Bradfords is pleased to share our inaugural Sustainability Report for 2022.
Setting out our commitment to becoming a more sustainable business, this report summarises our progress so far, and will be a benchmark for progress in future years.
Download the report here.
Bradfords’ mission: ‘help people build’ has many connotations. During the early stages of the pandemic this meant offering a source for the products and materials which self-employed trades needed to keep working. Now, national, and global situations mean that our role to help people build is as important as ever, but that focus must be on looking at the broader context to ensure that we are enabling building beyond just the supply of materials.
With so much going on across the country and the globe I thought it would be helpful to confirm what is happening within Bradfords. We have record levels of staff in the branches and have increased our focus on customer service and are developing a few key initiatives to improve the service we offer.
As we move through February, I thought it would be helpful to provide you with a Bradfords Business and Service update. On Friday we were awarded ‘Builders Merchant of the Year’ and ‘Sustainable Initiative of the Year’ at the Builders Merchant News Awards in London. It is great to be recognised by your peers however it is you our customers that make us what we are – thank you.
As we start the year, I felt it would be amiss if I didn’t give you an update on the business. Stock availability is good across most product sectors. Lightweight blocks continue to be a challenge and our buyers are working hard to find alternative supply routes.
What a year 2021 has been and I would like to thank you for your continued support. Bradfords is nothing without its customers and we are so grateful for what you do for us. Stock availability has continued to improve, and the team have worked tirelessly to get us back to our best position this year. We are entering 2022 in great shape to be able to give you what you need in the quantities you need.
Christmas is fast approaching, and like you we want to do our best to preserve the ability for us all to have the Christmas we were denied last year. If you would prefer not to visit our branches, then please do give the branch a call to arrange for your products to be delivered.
Please find the latest update on all things Bradfords and details of climate change, building sustainable communities. COP26 brought together the world’s leaders to tackle the issue of climate change head on. There is so much in the press now, and it is very difficult to know what is real and what is not. In the weeks and months ahead, we will cut through the jargon and help you make informed decisions on the best way to design, build and run homes in the future.
Welcome to my latest update on all things Bradfords as we head into Autumn. Stock availability has remained flat but there are signs of some of the major supply issues easing. There is concern that haulage will continue to be a challenge right up to the end of the year.
I want to keep you up to date on all things Bradfords.
Stock availability is improving however issues remain with chipboard flooring and lightweight blocks. Inflation continues with our cement supplier and plasterboard supplier advising of double digit increase in January 2022. We continue to challenge these rises to try to minimise the impact on the cost to you.
I want to keep you up to date on all things Bradfords. The national driver shortage has been well publicised in the last few weeks. The good news is that Bradfords are well resourced, and we have increased our capacity, taking delivery of 10 LGV’s in the last couple of months. Our lead times remain at 1-2 days across the branch network.
Our Glastonbury Branch is relocating to the former Wollens site on Wirral Park Road.
New facilities but same familiar faces. A bigger, better… Bradfords!
October 2020 is a very special month here at Bradfords… as we continue to celebrate being loved by locals and trusted by trades for 250 years! As a special thank you, we have exciting plans to mark our BIG 250th BIRTHDAY
A huge thank you to everyone who attended the Bradfords Interactive show! It was fantastic to see so many suppliers, customers and Bradfords staff all in once place!